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Dear Dr. Block,
My local onc/doc was rather derisive about measuring insulin, and was not open to having discussion with me. I know little about the results, and attempted to share with him my read-outs. He said he would like to speak with you about why you choose to measure the various aspects of my panels.
He was in research at a Maryland center, and was pleased to report to us he was published in some studies. I left pretty frustrated, and very angry at his attitude, since I am a survivor against their odds; and they say it is most likely the drugs, though they did not give me much hope 3 years ago, and none of them have wanted to enter discussion about my alternative treatments. Dr. Tummala's main point is that they can not be standardized across individuals/settings, therefore, they can not be implemented for treatment in settings such as the oncology center where he practices.
His name is Mohan K. Tummala, and he currently practices at Mercy Hospital, Springfield, MO.

Can you tell us the name of the biochemical terrain laboratory tests so that we can have our local oncologist order them?

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