As you are probably aware, this year’s flu season struck early and with a vengeance. And every news source is reporting on it in some way, shape or form.
But for patients whose immune function is compromised from chemotherapy, avoiding the flu is more than just a catchy headline -- it’s a necessity. This is because patients undergoing treatment for cancer are more vulnerable to complications like pneumonia if they do get the flu.
In Life Over Cancer, Dr. Block details his recommendations for an immune support program. At the foundation of this self-care program is, of course, the Life Over Cancer diet. Here are a few additional recommendations that can help support immune function all year long:
2. Get active! Moderate, consistent exercise such as walking, running or yoga helps keep your immune system functioning at a high level. But be careful not to overdo it. Excessive exercise or an abrupt change in exercise patterns can actually depress your immune system, leaving you susceptible to illness.
3. Minimize emotional distress. Emotional stress can make you more vulnerable to infectious diseases, particularly if you have received conventional treatments that compromise immune resistance to viral and bacterial pathogens. Stress can also cause you to eat poorly, lose sleep, not exercise, and abuse tobacco, drugs, and alcohol, all of which can further impair immune function. Make sure to incorporate mind-spirit techniques into your routine, such as meditation and relaxed abdominal breathing.
4. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol makes natural killer cells sluggish and impairs macrophage activity. It also dehydrates and can disrupt sleep patterns, which leads us to our final tip...
5. Get plenty of sleep. Sufficient rest is key in fighting fatigue and boosting immunity. Trouble falling asleep? Try maintaining a soothing bedtime ritual, such as a warm bath or listening to quiet music. Also pick a bedtime and stick to it - even on weekends.
For more information on The Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment, visit
As a 10 year survivor of ovarian cancer I attribute my longevity to the Life Over Cancer diet and tips. For this I thank you with all my heart!
Posted by: Sandra Clark | 01/15/2013 at 06:27 PM