The letter below was recently forwarded to us from a gentleman whose wife is battling breast cancer. We truly appreciate his kind words and eagerness to tell others about integrative cancer treatment and the positive effects it can have in patients' lives. We'd like to share his recommendation with you.
Dear Friend,
I'm sorry this isn't a personalized letter to you and each of the people in my email address book. But I think it's important enough that it should be sent to as many people as I can as quickly possible.
I enjoy recommending good books to people but I rarely email such recommendations to so many on my email address book unless I find something that I feel is important enough to justify interrupting people's busy lives. This recommendation is the most important recommendation that I've ever made (so far).
I know you have a family and friends that you love and whose health you want to protect. I hope you'll invest a few minutes in reading this letter and will forward it to any of your family or friends who you think it might help.
Please allow me a very brief back-story to explain why I feel this book recommendation is so important.
In November 2009 my wife was diagnosed with stage 2b metastatic invasive breast cancer. In the following seven months my wife and I flew six times to The Medical City in the Phillippines for a second opinion, mastectomy, much of her chemotherapy and 35 sessions of radiation. Her cancer went into remission but unfortunately came back in November 2011. This time it had evolved to stage 4 and had metastasised to her chest wall (and now to her lungs).
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