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Thank you.
My husband died of stage 4 pancreatic cancer. We couldn't afford to come to your center (we live in Hawaii). His cancer had already spread to his lymph system and liver when he was diagnosed. While he COULD eat, we followed your diet and book (Recommended to us us by Dr. Shintani) and later the meal replacement shake (religiously). After the first month my husband's CRP went from 27 down to 9 and his CEA dropped within normal range (Even though oddly -to me- his Ca-17 rose from 717 to 1200) Clearly the pancreatic tumor wasn't being touched but I thought the spread was slowing down quite a bit. I also want to say that Dr. Saluda at the University of Minnesota has isolated a compound from the Chinese Thundering God Vine -called Triptolide - changed it to become more absorbable and patented it as Minnetolide- This new chemo has killed ALL known pancreatic cancer cell lines in the lab and mice by destroying the outer protein coat thus disintegrating the cancer cell (without side effects in the mice). It has been approved by the FDA for Human clinical trials sometime this year!!!! WE didn't make it but I want others to be aware of this trial and to USE THE BLOCK DIET!!!! to reduce inflammation, increase immunity and maintain their physical equilibrium.

BTW, it was very difficult to get our regular doc to run uncommon tests and to get Medicare to pay for them.... but be persistent!

Dear Virginia,
I was dx w/ stage4 -gone distant estrogen+ H2NEU+ breast cancer 3 years ago - and given no prognosis. I found Dr. Block, and turned to vegetarian, then vegan diet.
I have not been able to get my insurance to cover the various tests - my oncologist (I see him every 6 weeks - every 3 weeks I just go in for Herceptin w/o seeing the onc-doc), says they are not the usual tests, so he does not order. I pay out-of-network costs for these tests, so do not do them often. How did you persuade Medicate?
I believe LOC has extended my life - and given me a chance to catch up on stuff I was not focused on prior.
Thank you for sharing your story. Prayers for your husband. janet

Thank you very much. Very insightful and informative.

You can still do paleo without doing red meat... there are several other meat options besides red meat and fish

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