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I feel like we are at the tip of the iceberg with research on vitamin D and cancer. I can't wait to see what future studies reveal, especially for other hormonally involved cancers such as breast ca. Could you shed some light on what optimal serum levels of vit D should be?

Most people get the vitamin D they need through sun exposure. Can also be obtained through the diet, but very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Vitamin D fortification is permitted in milk and dairy products, cereal flours and related products, margarine, food products, soy and fruit juices and fruit juices.

It would be a big help for everyone for all cancer sufferers if this will be given more attention. Yeah, further studies needs to be done first for this to be recognized and to be used as treatment for the killer disease, cancer.

In most of the cases of bone cancer, it is secondary cancer of bone that means the cancer from other parts of the body is spread to the bone. When cancer is caused in various parts of the body such as lungs, breast, kidneys or prostrate glands and it is in the advanced stage then it get metastasized to the bone causing specific symptoms.

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