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Do you have any suggestions for people who've had colostomies or ileostomies or colon resections that leave them seemingly unable to tolerate much in the way of fresh fruits and vegetables?

I have been very lucky with the resection I had, as my body seems to prefer raw fruits, veggies, nuts & seeds... everything works fine, and for that I am quite grateful.

However, I know a few people with ostomies, resections or other diversions who end up eating a lot of white-floury products and other things that offer little nutrition, and few vegetables, simply because their systems are altered and that's all that seems to go through okay.

Thank you again for another informative post!

I have estrogen positive metastatic breast cancer and am trying to keep down the phyto estrogens in my diet. From soy to chick peas to black eyed peas to carrots - I have read many foods to avoid. It is making the selection very slim and eating out almost impossible. Please help weed through the truth of the phyto estrogens.


(see references at the end of this section)

Anise, hops, fennel, black
cohosh, milk thistle, clover, red clover, Don Quai, licorice, ginseng,
royal jelly, peony, nettle, sage, fenugreek, evening primrose oil,
burdock, chamomiles, rhubarb

French bean, date palm, dates,
garlic, pomegranate, apple, soyabean, chick pea, cherry, alfalfa, yam
soya sprouts, cow pea, green beans, red beans, split peas, flaxseed,
raspberry, carrot and squash (both have beta carotene)

Generally I have found that estrogen contents in foods are less
than in herbs. My suggestion for women with hormone imbalance is to
avoid herbs which have estrogenic activities such as Don Quei,
Licorice, Ginseng, Royal Jelly, fennel, hops, anise, clover, flax
seed oil and evening primrose oil even though they may make you
feel better initially. Estrogen-containing foods such as alfalfa,
chick pea, carrot (or beta carotene) can be taken occasionally but
not on a regular basis.

I also think the less processed and most natural diet is best. Avoid food additives. And alkaline producing foods are better than acidic forming foods.

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