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What are your thoughts on supplements for people on 10 mg Revlimid maintenance? Is it tricky to decide on which supplements to take because you don't want to overstimulate the immune system? Do you have recommendations on supplements to mitigate the side effects of the drug?

Most important, based on the recent results of ASH, do you think that maintenance therapy is a good idea or is it better to give the body a break?

It's very frightening to have this disease. Cancer is the cause of death of many people. Treating it might be hard for the person infected, but preventing it may be a bit easier by living a healthy life.

We should be more cautious when it comes to our health to avoid or at least prevent this kind of disease.

What do you recommend for stimuluting or not stimulating the immune system of a patient with Waldenstrom's B cell lymphoma, who is just recovering from Klebsiella sepsis and febrile neutropenia while on Rituxin, cyclophosphamide and steroid chemotherapy with one cycle left to go? Which parts of your chapter 16 program are safe and which should be avoided, and when can whatever is safe be started? Thanks in advance.

I have to give props to my close friends for sharing such an interesting blog post to me. Stopping by your blog assisted me a great deal with my research. =) 330)

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