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Gracias por la valiosa información. Ayuda consumir el reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum)para prevenir el cáncer de mama?

Great post on diet to prevent recurrence of breast cancer.

Great post on diet that breast cancer survivors should try to follow.

Worrying about breast cancer won’t work. Let us wake up to the alarm on increasing cancer cases and strive towards making more and more people know about it. I lost my husband last year. If only we could diagnose it earlier, he may have been with me today. Wear the pink ribbon and become a part of breast cancer awareness campaign. It’s time to act responsible and join hands to get over the fear of breast cancer by getting ourselves screened for it.

Not sure why they are advocating tofu, tempeh, and veggie burgers, which are loaded with soy. For those with estrogen-positive cancer, isn't that quite risky? Please comment

This is a question we get asked often. We've addressed the topic as a special weekend blog post today, Soy Products and Breast Cancer. You can also find our response at www.lifeovercancer.com/Resources/Soy_Products.htm. I hope you and our other readers find it helpful.

Well after reading the post now i recognize that the diet chart have to be followed in case of the cancer. so it means the fats should be cut off from the food.

Thanks for sharing this one

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